Credit where credit is due...

Metronomer PLAY utilizes these open-source projects:

Feather Icons - I love these spiffy icons!

Howler - an Audio library that simplifies the Web Audio API.

localForage - This script provides a localStorage-esque API for IndexedDB.

Sortable - My favorite Drag/Drop/Sort Library

RangeTouch - This script helps input "range" sliders work better on touch devices.

Fastclick - This script eliminates the 300ms delay between a physical tap and the firing of a 'click' event on mobile browsers. Newer mobile devices don't need this script anymore, but I left it in for legacy devices.

Web Audio Metronome - This project by Chris Wilson was a MASSIVE help when I began learning about the Web Audio API and how to schedule playback of audio files using audio buffers.

Firebase - Ok, so this one's NOT open-source, BUT it's my favorite backend so I gotta send the team @Google some props ;). Google's security, global cache, loooow latency. I mean, what's not to love?


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Made with by josiah in AZ .

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